Samtökin Fnatic hefur tilkynnt tvo nýja leikmenn þá Kaldi og Twixsen í leiknum Hearthstone. Fnatic er eitt stærsta leikjasamfélag í eSports heiminum og hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna, t.a.m. í leikjunum League of Legends, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Battlefield 4, Dota 2,World of Tanks, Starcraft 2 en öll þessi lið spila í atvinnumennsku undir nafni Fnatic.
Jökull „Kaldi“ Jóhannsson segir í frétt á Fnatic:
Joining Fnatic is definitely one of the high points in my life, its a lot of hard work and dedication paying off and I couldn’t be happier to represent Fnatic in the future. I have big plans for the upcoming months and there should be a constant stream of LAN and online events coming up, I aim to make a final at a major event this year and will be doing everything in my power to make that happen.
Við óskum Kalda innilega til hamingju.