Þetta eru gaurarnir sem blöffuðu mig. Maður á ekki að vera að stunda viðskipti hálf sofandi klukkan 5 að nóttu
, sagði Ace á fb, en hann lenti í svindli á Steam og öllu stolið af account hans.
Í lýsingu við youtube myndbandið skrifar Ace:
I was checking www.csgolounge.com when someone added me on steam and sent me a link that said „my friend wants to trade his knife but he cannot add you cuz of steam error“ and then he posted a link to me. I clicked it cuz it was supposed to be www.steamcommunity.com but instead of .com it said .cm. It was late and I was tired and read the link in a hurry. This video is a warning to all of you. Beware of scammers :p
Samsett mynd úr myndbandi.