Fréttin um Michael Grzesiek eða betur þekktur sem Shroud um hvort hann sé besti PUBG spilari í heimi vakti mikla athygli.
Þar var fjallað meðal annars um svindlarana í leiknum, en PUBG+leikjasamfélagið er orðið langþreytt á þessu og hefur hashtaggið #RegionLockChina verið notað í baráttunni við þessari vá sem herjar á spilara.
Í þessu myndbandi má sjá bara eitt lítið dæmi sem að spilarar þurfa að þola í leiknum:
Þróunardeild PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) hefur gefið út stóra uppfærslu. Í tilkynningunni biður Þróunardeild PUBG, leikjasamfélagið um allan heim afsökunar á að leikurinn hafi ekki skilað sér 100% til spilara frá því að hann var opinberlega opnaður nú í enda desember s.l.
Uppfærslurnar að þessu sinni eru fyrir pc spilara og hefur t.a.m. verið bætt við fleiri möguleikum við svindlhnappinn. Um 1.5 milljón notendur hafa verið bannaðir í leiknum.
- Added more objects around La Bendita on Miramar to increase the amount of cover
- Reduced the visible distance when parachuting down in order to test the optimization of server and client performance at the early phases of the game
- Changed the design of the energy drink
- Adjusted the squad team colors (players 1~4) to better reflect their callout names (yellow, orange, blue, green)
- Adjusted squad team colors to make them more consistent between different colorblind options
- Added a function where a player can select more detailed criteria for the “Cheating” category in the in-game report tool
- You can choose multiple items or you can just report without selecting any of them
- While player’s nameplate is on (H key), now you can check the current weapon of that player by pressing G key
- Added report button in replay
- Report button pops up when pressing RMB on the player list (TAB key)
- While observing / following mode, report button appears on the timeline (J key)
- Added a care package icon changing effect according to the status
- The icon will be different when the care package is falling and looted by other players
- Adjusted replay system so that now a player can watch the replay without extra delay in the following cases
- Solo mode
- When the player won the match
- When all teammates are eliminated
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where when a player lands from the plane the position of character teleports intermittently
- Fixed the issue where character animation is frozen when rejoining after a crash
- Fixed the issue where the red zone disappears instantly after it formed
- Fixed the issue where some vehicles spawned on Miramar are stuck to an object and unable to move
- Fixed the issue where a player sometimes couldn’t pass through a door even though it was open
- Fixed the issue where mouse cursor would disappear on a replay map
- Fixed the issue where when replay and death cam were played, the crosshair was bouncing
- Fixed the issue where the falling speed meter text was showing abnormally in Portuguese
Bætt hefur verið við leikinn ýmsa fítusa eins og sjá má hér að neðan:
- Added two new crates (free / paid)
- You can open the paid crate box with the Early Bird key which is purchasable in Steam market
- In order to test the stability, 100,000 BP and 6 keys will be granted to each account (test server only)
- The below chart shows the crate box drop rate
- The new free/paid crate box has a 40% drop rate and the previous crate boxes(Wanderer and Survivor) have a 10% drop rate
- DESPERADO (new paid crate box) 40%
- BIKER (new free crate box) 40%
- Wanderer 10%
- Survivor 10%
Að auki hefur prósentuhlutfallið í fríu netversluninni verið uppfærður:
- Sleeveless Turtleneck Top (Gray) : 8.00%
- Leather Boots (Black) : 8.00%
- Punk Knuckle Gloves (Black) : 7.50%
- Baggy Pants (Black) : 7.50%
- Striped Tank-top : 7.50%
- Wide Pants (Red) : 7.50%
- Punk Knuckle Gloves (Red) : 7.00%
- Sleeveless Turtleneck (Black) : 7.00%
- Baggy Pants (Brown) : 5.00%
- Long Leather Boots (Brown) : 5.00%
- Striped Shirt (Gray) : 5.00%
- Beanie (Brown) : 5.00%
- Horn-rimmed Glasses (Black) : 4.50%
- Training Pants (Light Blue) : 4.50%
- Leather Boots (Brown) : 4.50%
- Horn-rimmed Glasses (Brown) : 2.50%
- Aviator Sunglasses : 1.30%
- Checkered Jacket : 1.30%
- Long-sleeved Leather Shirt : 0.60%
- Leather Hoodie (Black) : 0.32%
- Leather Hoodie (White) : 0.32%
- Cloth Mask (Leopard) : 0.16%
BIKER items
- Long-sleeved T-shirt (Red) : 15.00%
- School Shoes (Brown) : 15.00%
- raglan shirt : 10.00%
- T-shirt (Pink striped) : 10.00%
- Polka Dot T-shirt : 10.00%
- Dirty Long-sleeved T-shirt : 10.00%
- School Shoes (Black) : 5.00%
- Skinny Jeans (Khaki) : 5.00%
- Gas Mask (Half) : 4.50%
- Beanie (Gray) : 4.50%
- Sleeveless Turtleneck (Red) : 4.50%
- Skinny Jeans (Pink) : 2.50%
- Patrol Cap (Brown) : 1.20%
- Sleeveless Turtleneck (Gray Striped) : 1.20%
- Patrol Cap (Gray) : 0.40%
- Biker Pants (Black) : 0.40%
- Floral Shirt (White) : 0.26%
- Sneakers (Black) : 0.26%
- Padded Jacket (Purple) : 0.06%
- Princess Power Tank-top : 0.06%
- Floral Shirt (Black) : 0.05%
- Biker Pants (Gray) : 0.05%
- Aviator Goggles : 0.03%
- Sleeveless Biker Jacket (Brown) : 0.01%
- Sleeveless Biker Jacket (Black) : 0.01%
- Cloth Mask (Checkered) : 0.01%